Hi, for those who did not read “ALL ABOUT TESLA”, here is what it is about:
Table of contents:
Introduction: Tesla, the man, his life, and his legacy
Chapter: At midnight: Tesla’s birth, his ancestry | The Tesla family in Smiljan | The accident: Death of Dane, Nikola’s brother
Chapter: About Serbian history
Chapter: Wondering about the world: Tesla’s early years | From Gospic to Karlovac and Graz (1862-1875) | The Tesla method | Tesla psychology: Who was he? | Tesla’s self-dramatization | School-leaving exam (Matura) | Nikola the priest | Tesla the soldier |
Chapter: The sun is the model – The alternating current system | Graz 1875-1878 | Tesla, the gambler | The discovery of the alternating current system in Budapest | Tivadar Puskás – a short history of the European telephone
Chapter: To Paris and New York | The recommendation: Charles Batchelor | Compagnie Edison Électrique | Swinging Paris | Problems in Strasbourg: Re-wiring a train station | The first AC motor | Tesla’s cerebral cinema | Tesla’s ‘automatic’ method
Chapter: New ideas for a new world | The Edison Machine Works | Thomas Edison | The beginning of the ‘electric world’ | Edison’s central stations | Bye-bye Edison | The gilded age, an era| Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing Company | Tesla Electric Company
George Westinghouse | The transformer | William Stanley and the first AC system
The rotating magnetic field | Tesla’s ‘New York Lecture’
Chapter: The War of Currents | Who invented it: Ferraris or Tesla? | Deptford – the most modern power station in the world | George Westinghouse and the Tesla Electric Company | The contract with Westinghouse | Tesla in Pittsburgh | The ‘death current’ | Tesla’s high-frequency currents | The Tesla coil
Chapter: The War of Currents II | Tesla’s triumphs | Energy flashes through the ether | The magician of Paris | Farewell to home | Triumph in Belgrade, trouble in Bonn | J.P. Morgan | Henry Villard | General Electric | The Panic of 1893
AC worldwide | Tesla invents the radio | Chicago city lights
Chapter: Conqueror of the world | Worldwide fame | Worldwide crisis | Buffalo and Niagara | Tesla superstar | Luka and Mrs. Filipov | Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) | The ether | High Society | Nikola Tesla Company | German capital for Niagara | Disaster
Chapter: Life goes on | Cathedrals of power | Swami Vivekananda | Friends in High Places | JJ Astor | X-rays | Tesla at Niagara | Tesla Radio vs. Radio Marconi | The submarine robot
Chapter: Tesla’s ‘world system’ | Coals trademark ‘Tesla’ | Tesla needs money | Hotel Astoria | Colorado Springs 1899-1900 | Tesla’s magnifying transmitter | The discovery of standing waves | Peacock Alley | The increase of human energy | 1, 2, 3 … MARS | Radiant energy | A match made in heaven
Chapter: Wardenclyffe – World Wide Wireless | The tycoon boards ship | The new technology | The ‘Tesla Works’ at Wardenclyffe
McKinley shot – Marconi wins battle | Tesla’s Power Tower | Wardenclyffe is lost | Taking the bull by the horns
Chapter: Fighting for Wardenclyffe | Free energy for world peace | Money! Money! Money! | The dark side | The end of the gilded age | Tesla’s hubris | The Tunguska incident of 1908 | Marconi and Braun get Nobel Prizes | The Tesla turbine | The Hammond case
Friends pass | Tesla’s Blue Portrait
Chapter: The lost dream | The mad scientist of Gotham City | The end of the old world | Tesla’s Telefunken-Connection | The Lusitania | Pigeons, Gusle | The Marconi affair | Nobel Prizes for Tesla and Edison | Bye-bye Waldorf, bye-bye Wardenclyffe | The Edison Medal | Wardenclyffe blown up
Chapter: The Magician of Science Fiction Technology | Tesla’s new haven – The ‘Electrical Experimenter’ | Radar | The turbine flops | The private Mr. Tesla | Tesla’s last friends | Energy from the universe | A luxury car powered by space energy | Tesla’s death-ray machine | Tesla, the poet | Tesla’s final attempt | Tesla vs. Superman
Chapter: Tesla Can Never Die | The nephew | A Royal Visit | Tesla the alien | Nikola Tesla Museum Belgrade | Tesla’s legacy | Chapter: Radio | Death-Rays | Philadelphia experiment | Howitzer | Woodpecker | HAARP | Wardenclyffe’s destiny | Free energy | Wireless transmission of energy – past, present, and tomorrow | Tesla’s Honors | Tesla in Czechoslovakia, Tesla Motors | Tesla in the media