.: persons


William H. Terbo

He told my father: “I´ll never die rich unless money comes in the door faster than I can shovel it out of the window.”

The Tesla Memorial Society
21 Maddekat, Southwyck Village
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076
William H. Terbo
Executive Secretary

The Tesla Memorial Society, Inc., was founded in 1979. It is the oldest U.S. based international organization honoring the memory of Nikola Tesla. The Tesla Memorial Society is a nonprofit organization operating under Section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.


Bill Wysock

“This coil has maybe 25 Watts. It goes up from there. My largest coil requires 130.000 Watts, 130 KVA.”

William C. Wysock is into Tesla Coils since 1962. He developes and designs Tesla Coils. They are built to the highest standards. Bill Wysock runs the company Tesla Technology Research. Large Tesla Coil systems were installed in museums and research centers world wide.


Craig Newswanger

“He had both aspects, he had pure genius and some of that genius resulted in practical results and some of  it resulted in ideas that were later proven wrong, proven impractical. There is this mixture!”

Craig Newswanger lives in Austin, Texas. He works for the holography company Zebra Imaging.


Dr. Milorad Pupovac

“Tesla in Croatia and former Yugoslavia is not only known as a genius discoverer, as a genius engineer, as someone of the few people who actually belonged to the modern world. Not only in the sphere of technique, also in the size in general. But in Croatia, in former Yugoslavia, he was known by a famous saying, that he is proud of his Serbian origin and his Croatian homeland. And in that time official policy was quoting Tesla, as a good example of what a good Serb should be in Croatia. But in the same time for such a person there was no place to stay in peace with the monument and of course to have the house not to sacrifice, not to actually disgrace it in that way that it happened by some people who were governed by not any kind of value except the hate.”

Dr. Milorad Pupovac
Representative of the Serbian National Minority

Deputy Address:
Croatian National Parliament
Hrvatski Sabor Trg Svetog Marka 6 – 7
Zagreb HR – 10000
Email: milorad.pupovac@sabor.hr


Dr. Ljubo Vujovic

“I am involved in Tesla movement since I was in school near Belgrade. As a kid we were holding each with the hands and there were sparks all over, but nothing happened and I was amazed and since that time, 1954, I am always with Tesla.”

Tesla Memorial Society of New York and its General Secretary Dr. Ljubo Vujovic has initiated a procedure in FR Yugoslavia to recognize July 10, the day when Nikola Tesla was born, as the Nikola Tesla Day. This is the first step in the final goal to have July 10 recognized by the United Nations as the World´s Day of Science, Prosperity, and Peace among the nations and religions.


Dr. Harold E. Puthoff

“I give you an example; if there is all this energy around me, why didn´t I notice it? In fact, we notice it. You are standing in a train, it takes off with a jerk and suddenly you are flat on your back. As if some 200-pound person came and knocked you down. What is it that actually knocked you down? Or: you take off with a jet on an aircraft carrier and you are pressed in your seat. What is it exactly that is pressing you back in your seat? It turns out this vacuum energy of sea – if something tries to accelerate through.. part of the back pressure .. It´s actually the zero-point energy wind that is blowing on all the atoms of our body and knocking us over.”

Dr. Harold E. Puthoff is the Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin/Texas. His present research interests range from theoretical studies concerning gravitation, inertia, cosmology and energy research, to laboratory studies of innovative approaches to energy generation and space propulsion. A graduate of Stanford University in 1967, Dr. Puthoff´s professional background spans more than four decades of research at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency, Stanford University, SRI International, and, since 1985, as Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin. He has published numerous papers on electron-beam devices, lasers and quantum zero-point-energy effects, has patents issued in the laser, communications, and energy fields, and is co-author of a textbook Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics (Wiley, 1969). His awards and honors include a DoD Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Performance. Puthoff regularly serves various corporations, government agencies, the Executive Branch and Congress as consultant on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends; is a member and officer of several professional organizations; is listed in American Men and Women of Science, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, and Who’s Who in the World; and has been designated a Fetzer Fellow (1991).

alex-hill aureliano-horta

Alex Hill and Aureliano Horta

Alex Hill: “It´s easier to work with space-time than to explain what space-time is.”

Aureliano Horta: “We are just instruments of technology that was developed further. In reality these technologies come from above.”


Empresa Tecnolgica del Tercer Milenio México.
Islas Baleares #110-A, Col. Lindavista, C.P. 37300, LEON, Gto. MEXICO

Presenta una alternativa importante a los problemas de generación y transformación de energía eléctrica que atraviesa la humanidad en este momento. HORTONG es unásicamente un circuito electrónico que al ser conectado a un sistema eléctrico incrementa de manera considerable la eficiencia del mismo.


Hone Brothers

Paul Hone: “If we could turn the clock back and go back in time and change all that and allow him to find the funds or say: here is the money, go and build that tower right now, and let’s prove it and stand the test and by doing that people who wanted to have that free energy could. I guarantee: the world would instantly change.”

Paul and Stephen Hone are British, living in LA. Their song Nikola Tesla – Man Out of Time is about the forgotten Scientist (Serbian/American) who invented the polyphase AC electric current we all use today, Radio, RadioControl, computers, satellites, microwaves, beam weapons, nuclear fusion etc. His Birthday is July 10th. We did not include everything TESLA invented/thought, as it is a vast list (also his nephew was an incredible inventor too! but that is for another day) this is an attempt to help people get a heads up on WHO this amazing man was, and some of what he did do, and how he was destroyed!!!!!!


Les Drysdale

Les Drysdale: “The whole idea was to create something that he himself would have apreciated.”

The sculpture has been up for just over a month now and it has occurred to me that the photographs I have seen all look great, but I really hope people get the chance to visit the site and see it in person. I think that if the viewer actually walks up to and around the work, even touches the sculpture, only then will they be able to see and feel all that went into the work and to understand its full meaning. Not only is there the experience of the presence of the sculpture in the setting of Niagara Falls that surpassed even my expectations. There are also little details that have been placed here and there as rewards to the inquisitive. You see my greatest challenge was not just to create a portrait of Tesla that had the physical likeness of the man but to create something that also said something about his life, his relationship with Niagara, how he thought, his amazing accomplishments and give the sculpture something of the poetic elegance and theatricality that permeated everything he put his mind to. I can be reached by email at: leslie_drysdale@hotmail.com”


Nick Cook

“I think the wake-up call has arrived and it´s been a long time coming!”

Nick Cook is an award-winning defense and aerospace journalist. He has been Aviation Editor and Aerospace Consultant of Jane´s Defense Weekly. Nick writes for The Financial Times and other newspapers in the UK. He has visited the world´s leading defense establishments and has gained access to numerous top secret military facilities and bases in the US and former Soviet Union.


Prof. David L. Goodstein

“I think that the fundamental question of today is energy. When we start to run out of energy we won´t be able to replace it and we will not be able to continue our civilisation without it.”

Dr. David L. Goodstein, Ph.D., is Vice Provost and Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Caltech, where he has been on the faculty for more than 35 years. He has served on and chaired numerous scientific and academic panels, including the National Advisory Committee to the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate of the National Science Foundation. He is a founding member of the Board of Directors of the California Council on Science and Technology. His books include States of Matter (Prentice Hall, 1975, Dover, 1985) and Feynman’s Lost Lecture (Norton, 1996), written with his wife, Dr. Judith Goodstein. In the 1980´s he was Director and host of The Mechanical Universe, an educational television series that has been used by millions of students all over the world. In recent times, while continuing to teach and conduct research in experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Dr. Goodstein has turned his attention to issues related to science and society. In articles, speeches and colloquia he has addressed conduct and misconduct in science, the end of exponential growth of the scientific enterprise, and issues related to fossil fuel and the climate of Planet Earth.


Prof. Michio Kaku

“We think that empty space is the void of anything, that’s what the vacuum is, the absence of anything. But Tesla pioneered the idea that there is energy, energy within this vacuum, and so did Einstein. We think that this energy is something called dark energy, and dark energy we now realize makes up 73 percent of the matter/energy content of the Universe. That’s fantastic! We think of atoms, and we think that atoms make up the Universe. Wrong! The latest satellite data show that 73 percent of the known Universe is made out of dark energy, pioneered by Einstein and Nikola Tesla.”

Michio Kaku (born January 24, 1947 in the United States) is a Japanese American theoretical physicist, tenured professor, and co-creator of string field theory, a branch of string theory. Kaku received a B.S. (summa cum laude) from Harvard University in 1968 where he came first in his physics class. He went on to the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley and received a Ph.D. in 1972. In 1973, he held a lectureship at Princeton University. In addition to holding the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at City College of New York, he has taught there for more than 25 years. Presently, he is engaged in working on Einstein´s Theory of Everything, seeking to unify the four fundamental forces of the universe: the strong force, the weak force, gravity and electromagnetism. Additionally, he has been a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, as well as at New York University.

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Rude Mechanicals

Lana Lesley: “The play (Requiem for Tesla) really wanted to address the big idea. And genius … really explore genius – the serious, typical ones, madness, isolation he really Tesla exemplified almost every single one you could associate with genius – so we wanted to talk about also the idea that he had of free electricity – which is just an incredibly generous act – he was willing to put out in the world … and how sad it was that we could’nt accept that and that he died without a legacy like that, which he just handed over but the act itself was incredibly generous.”

Shawn Sides (Director Rude Mechanicals): “I think it was Morgan who was … maybe it’s an urban legend, said, well: you can’t have wireless electricity, Tesla, because: where would you put the meter?”

RUDE MECHANICALS (a.k.a. Rude Mechs) is an ensemble-based theatre company founded in Austin, TX in 1995. Since our inception, we’ve produced 22 original theatrical productions, received over 125 nominations for artistic excellence and have been honored as “The Best Theatre Company in Austin” by the Austin Chronicle for a record four consecutive years.


Dr. Thomas Valone

“The sources of energy are there, it just that we have been stopped as scientists for 100 years by the prohibitions, by rules that cannot be broken. The rules of thermodynamics are the ones that we often fear. We not even tread in those areas where the fear’s the most.”

Thomas Valone, PhD is the President of Integrity Research Institute and Editor of the well respected Future Energy newsletter and Enews. He has authored 6 books and numerous scientific studies, articles and papers related to energy in all forms. He provides consultations on electrical product design/development, engineering testing, environmental/electromagnetic field/energy, expert testimony and opinion. He meets regularly with congressional and senate leaders and briefs them on the latest energy developments. His views regarding energy-related matters have been featured on national media including CNN. Dr. Valone holds a PhD in General Engineering from Kennedy-Western University, an M.A. in Physics from SUNY at Buffalo, B.S. Physics and B.S. in Electrical Engineering, from SUNY at Buffalo and is a Licensed Professional Engineer with the state of New York.


David Reynolds (UNARIUS)

“One of the things that the planet has got to look forward to is what we call the Tesla Power Tower. This is an extension of what he tried to build here on Long Island, New York after his experiments in Colorado Springs where he proved that energy could be transmitted without wires.”


Velimir Abramovic

“Genius has a mind that works as nature itself. And that is really something which reflects directly how Tesla was working and how he was thinking. That’s what we call mind lab, mind laboratory.”

Dr. Velimir Abramovic is founder of the Institute for the Science of Time, private philosophical institution for Time nature discovery. Velimir Abramovic (YU/NL) was since 1988 affiliated as professor with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts (University of Belgrade), where he taught Philosophy of Art, Aesthetics and Film Theory, and with The Center for Multidisciplinary Studies, where he taught the post graduate course: Space and Time in philosophy and Natural Sciences. He is founder of the Tesliana Society (1992) and Editor in Chief of the Tesliana Scientific Journal, (1993). His main interests focus on the ontology of time, the nature of creative process and system analysis. Velimir Abramovic is a member of the “American Philosophical Association”, and founder and director of CAT (NGO for research in Time and Consciousness).


William Brewington (SPPN Film archives)

“You know, I mean, for some reason it looks almost as if he was blackballed.”


Joseph Kinney (New Yorker Hotel)

”When Henry Ford died … there was a big pause and all the cars came to halt and when Tesla died … he was just completely unknown.”


Robert Hoffmann (AGFA Corp.)

„I think we constructed it better than Tesla did.“


Dejan Trbojevic (BNL scientist)

“So everything he has done in his life is right there, not in the States; somehow it’s been in one way stolen from the United States, and it’s sitting in Belgrade.“


Vladimir Jelenkovic (Nikola Tesla Museum Belgrade)

“Tesla is and was and will be the unique man in the whole history of mankind.”


Sabina Sobolovic (Curator Exhibition Normalizacija)

“Why in the 90’s nobody thought that Tesla would be a perfect Croatian brand?”


Stjepan Mesic (President of Croatia)

“I think that Nikola Tesla is not important only for Croatia, but for the entire world.”


Jeff Mullen (Computer scientist)

“It was an interesting experience to be able to have that much Voltage on your body.”


Myron Evans (Scientist, ECE-theory)

“Space-time itself has energy, which can be used by human beings for generation of power.“


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